Indian Citation Index (ICI) is a home grown citation database, planned to have multidisciplinary information/knowledge contents from about 1000 top Indian scholarly journals. It provides powerful search engine to perform search and evaluate researchers, policy makers, decision makers, institutions, subjects, city, state etc. Presently, ICI have five years back files data depth of 400 plus journals which would go over to 1000 journals by March/April 2011. ICI is equipped with all major search features including analytics to serve the requirements of users. Also, by the end of December 2010, few more specific and elaborative search features will be in place to meet local needs more specifically.
Indian Citation Index (ICI) is developed by a society named "The Knowledge Foundation" which is fully supported by M/s Divan Enterprise. ICI as a product for sale, distribution, enter into agreements, receive revenue etc is exclusively owned by M/s Divan Enterprise. The ICI may be accessed by its URL:
Indian Citation Index (ICI) has been launched on 25th October 2010 at New Delhi, India.
For further details please contact:
Prakash Chand
Head ICI Project & Former Scientist, NISCAIR
Email: prakash[at]